Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I probably blog to much. I must admit it is becoming quite addicting. I almost like that no one reads it because I can be freeeeeeee. :D So today, I went to the doctor. She said nothing's wrong that can't be fixed with some physical therapy and a DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE. Dude, I'm totally psyched. Yes, I realize I just showed my age on that one. Now I'm going to take something from my wonderful friend and awesome roomie, Katie.

Things That Made Me Happy Today
1) Hardee's Breakfast <3
2)Daddy giving me gas money :D
3) "According to You" on the radio twice.
4) Cleaning (shocking I know!)
5) Talking to my mommy.
6) A Lakeside parking spot.
7) Talking to my sister <3
8) Thinking about my birthday!
9) Not having to go to court in Mobile!!!
10) Texting my friends <3

I have a pretty awesome life. I'm glad that I can see it like that. That's all folks!


1 comment:

  1. feel free to take my what made me happy today picture :) love that you used it!

    p.s. take me to your massage. i have mysterious back pains.
